Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The Crazy Daddy.

Dear 小tz,

Oh... should I call you Fairy Godmother, Little Miss Chatterbox or Strawberry Shortcake? You keep changing your name so it's kind of difficult for me to catch up with the changes, you know?

Sometime last month, you asked me this funny question: "Daddy, why are you always so crazy? Are you born crazy?" At the back of my mind, I was thinking you, my little princess, had yet to look at your daddy's facebook and google+ photographs and postings. Talking about being crazy... Hee hee. 

Ok, back to your question of me being crazy. No, I wasn't born crazy. In fact, long long time ago (like what you always says), like some 8 years ago, I was a pretty serious person. However, being serious has its disadvantages. You know one of the disadvantages when you replied that you prefer me to be crazy rather than being serious. That's right, nobody wanted to face a serious looking person, be it at work or at home. Moreover, being serious, or rather, being a perfectionist, a person that demand great expectation, a person that blame himself for not achieving targets in life and a person that gets angry at others for not performing, can be very stressful. Stress, is a very dangerous element that affect you and others around you. It brings down your health and it isolates you from people around you. I had been through that and I seriously hoped you need not go through the path.

Life is short! Whether you like it or not, there bound to be failures and unhappy events in life. So would you rather be crazy like daddy, laugh at my mistake, learn from it and move on, or be very bothered by those events and be stuck in life? We only have a few 10 years in life, what attitudes you adopted to face life affect its outcome, your happiness.

Having said that, I am not telling you to be laid back, not do anything and just enjoy life. I better be clear before your mummy kills me... Ha ha.

I planned. There is lots of thing in my life, both at home and at work that wouldn't happened without planning. However, not everything that was planned runs smoothly as I had expected. In such instances, I choose to learn from my mistakes, be crazy, laugh at myself then move on in life.

So, no, I am not born crazy. And yes, I am crazy. Hee hee... 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


PSI, you are not ST Index, so stop climbing up please.

Monday, 12 September 2011


中秋节,一个我最喜欢的节日。祝大家中秋快乐! Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Yay!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


平凡是福。前几天和家人看电视剧时,剧中女主角 "平凡" 在讲解她的名字时说: "我的名字代表着我对人生的想法。平凡认我能够享受人生,不需要为别人忙,没有名利,也少了斗争。 平凡是福“。 一个多么完美,充满浪漫的答复。

其实当我们说平凡是福的但而,就已经意味着有不平凡的存在。 不平凡不一定是不好。 如果没有不平凡的事和人,这世界就不会有改变和进步。如果说平凡是福,到不如说平凡心是福。 好比以前的刘备和甘地,因为有一个平凡的心,不自豪,愿意聆听,才有这么多的支持者。 如看现在,陈伟联就应该也是带着平凡心生活。

在思考着如何整理我对这四个字的想法时,老婆正在听着陈伟联的歌曲。 伟联的歌陪我们走过人生一个很重要的里程碑。从女朋友到老婆到小宝贝的出生,我们可是他的忠诚粉丝。喜欢的不只是他那充满磁性带点鼻音的歌声,更重要的是他对待人生的态度。 他一直用着平凡的心对待自己的起起落落。从不骄傲,不大牌,不自己为是,也不乞求同情。补上一点,这只是我个人对伟联的想法。身边也有一位朋友也是一样用着平凡心看待人生。从一个主管, 半退休后当个小员工,她不带着以前当主管包袱,不自己为是,而是从新理解新环境,随着新主管的要求做好工作。平凡心让人们随地而安,能弯能伸,快乐生活。


小孩: “爸爸,小明住大房子,有大汽车!“
爸爸: “那是因为小明他爸爱读书, 有上进心呀。“
小孩: “爸爸,那为什么你不爱读书, 也没有上进心呢?“
爸爸: “... ... ... “

虽然我不是大人物,也没有钱。 但我还是想做个好榜样,读书求上进啊! 三,我的人生旅程虽然不能像刘备,甘地和伟联这样有着鲜艳的色彩。 但我也不想这一生一片空白,平平淡淡的过。 再过几个十年之后,当我回望笑看人生时也不费此生。 四,小时家里的环境不是很好。要不是有人帮助,也不会有今天的我。现在虽说是回报社会,看到客户的笑容,处了快乐也多了一份满足感。

记录这段话,一来是希望小宝贝长大后 google 一下就能对她老爸有多一点了解。再来,在我老到连我的 password 都不记得时,至少还可以回味我这生的点点滴滴。
