"Daddy, this is the second time you make that funny face. If you do it again, I am going to write it down on your naughty book. Mummy is going to punish you and not allow you to go out with us."
Wa! So much for encouraging 小tz to write. Poor me receiving intervention at home. Sigh~
Hey, wait! That means I can sleep, Sleep and SLEEP all day! Hmm... let's make sure 小tz see it when I make that funny face again. Haha...
Talking about effective intervention.
Yeah! Completed all stages in Angry Birds!
In-line with the recent talks on using happiness as an indicator for measuring Singapore's success, may I suggest that we should all stop addressing others as uncle and aunty.
Reminding a person that he is old, may create unhappiness and accelerate the onset of dementia. Having a bigger group of unhappy citizens reduces our ability to achieve good GDP too! Right?
Ok, I admit I am unhappy this morning, and I must say that going to the market can be very damaging to a person's emotion well-being.
Wow! It's great to skip rock and techno. Really love to hear the jazz tonight. Soothing and definitely energised to face the tough challenge ahead!!!
If today is my last day on this earthly world, I would like to take an interest on myself and not create events and be depended on others to show interest in me. I would not be depended on the external stimulus from a sms reply, a facebook posting response or an email invitation. I would pay attention to every single thing I do to receive calmness into my frequently multi-tasking mind. I would want to enjoy the details of the scenery along my way to work, smell the morning freshness with every single breadth I take, enjoy the fragrance of every single sip of tea I drink, listen to the wonderful music perform by the insects while having my morning taiji practice and feel the texture of everything I touch.
If I only have 24 hours to live, I would want to squeeze in as many seconds of happiness I can gathered and not be bothered by the unhappy moments in life. For every second of recalling and getting affected by the unhappy moments and events, I had a second less in my remaining 24 hours to enjoy and recall happiness. I would forgive people who did not honor their words, people who hurt me and people who use me. I would not be bothered by noises in life, the sarcastic remarks, the gossip and the rumors about me. I would live life the way I wanted and not the way others wanted.
If I am living my last day today, I would like to be remembered as the person that bring happiness to others. I will show kindness not only to my loved ones, but to everybody around me. I will bless every single person that needs to move on to pursue their goals in life. I would let go of my memory of those that had left me so as to focus my energy on those that are still alive. I would share whatever limited knowledge I has acquired during my life so that it can hopefully benefit others and make them happier.
If I live each day as if it was my last like what Steve Jobs had always said, I would have found the key to happiness through living and enjoying in my present life. Reminding myself that I will be dead helps me in making major decision in life. Everything, everything including expectation, pride, embarrassment and failure disappear with me after my death. If I am going die all those is going to be gone, why then should I be affected by their presence. There are no more excuses not to follow my heart.
While I would try to live each day as if it was my last, there are days when I reflected and discovered that I had not being successful. I must admit that there are events happened that I simply can't let go. I am after all, still a human being living in this earthly world.
So is today my last day?
Well, maybe, it may be, because we are not the controller of our life. Cause life in itself is a change agent and the world need new, energetic and vibrant people to continue the work left by others. And accident can happen to anybody, anytime.
But no, not for me now as unless accident do happen, life had been kind to me and there is no indicators that my health is going to be worst.
Good news or bad news? I am not bothered cause I live my own life.
On my way home yesterday, I bumped into a pair of teens couple with Down syndrome, holding hands and walking ahead of me. Sweet is the only word that came to my mind then. I confess that I detour from my usual route just to enjoy this rare sweet scene, seeing that the gentleman wasn't attempting to be very intimate and close to the lady. He was just gently holding her hand, with no other body contact between them, frequently turning his head and acknowledging what the lady says. A big contrast to the usual scene where young guys without disability was seen hugging very tightly onto their girlfriend with frequent movement of hands all over their girlfriends' body.
While being engrossed in this romantic scene, images flash across my mind and I pray...
I pray that the couple ahead of me have strong supportive parents who are aware that the couple would require support throughout their life. They will need support from time to time when they face difficulties in work. They will need support when situations changed throughout their life stages. They need support in handling legal matters, in money matters, in financial and family planning.
I pray that they have access to professional counseling to know the implication of being together and their path ahead.
I pray that the community will accept them as a couple and gave them their blessing.
I pray that the couple will be sensible enough to know that their path ahead is not going to be easy and life is no longer just play and eat. They will need to work hard, eat healthily and exercise regularly to provide for their future. While life span for people with intellectual disability had lengthen, we are also seeing more cases of them suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure resulting from the lack of exercise, unhealthy and uncontrolled eating.
Maybe I am too sensitive. Maybe they are just friends without any plan to get intimate and get married. Maybe they have all my worries sorted out. Maybe...
For now, I can only hope that people are more supportive towards people with intellectual disability. Understand that they need our empathy more than our sympathy in supporting them through their life stages.
小 tz: "Daddy, can I sit on your legs?"
Me: "Should I sit on the stool so that you can sit on the sofa?"
小 tz: "No daddy. Can I sit on your legs?"
Me: "There are so many places to sit, why must you sit on my legs?"
小 tz: "Daddy... because I love you."