Sunday 17 November 2013

I can do it, papa.

The latest fun 小tz enjoyed is going to the library catalog terminal, search for a book then locate the physical book in the library.

When she finally located the book she wanted, she was jumping with joy.

Err... so fun meh?

Along with the search, she selected another 3 books on recycling. That's 4 books that I brought home last week.

I supposed it is part of growing up and wanting to be independent. The other day, she asked $2.00 from me to buy her favourite drink from our neighbourhood provision shop before dinner. When she noticed I was watching her, she turned and said:

"Papa, i can do it. Don't follow me OK?"

I guess part of it was wanting to be independent and the other part was worrying that I may comment on her approach.

To me, I just wanted to ensure her safety. I am not concern on her approach as long as she gets what she wanted and I get my change back. If she didn't get it correct, she will have to learn from her mistake. That's independent and the most effective way towards adulthood, my view.

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