Friday 6 June 2014

I think too much.

Saw an ex client I supported previously walking towards me. While waving to him to say hello, he suddenly stopped. I waved to him again and signalled him to move on, thinking that he might be worrying that I will tell him not to pick up trash. He smiled at me, hanged his umbrella on the railing, raised his leg then tied his shoe laces. 

I am thinking too much, I said to myself. 

This, I agreed. However, there are times when we pointed out mistakes committed by another person and they turned around to say we are thinking too much and had over reacted. 

What rights do those people have to put in such a comment without strong evidence to prove their point? Ethically, they don’t have that right. In fact, they ought to answer to their conscious for the wrong doing. That's ethically and in theory on the assumption that everybody has equal rights. 

Well, that will never happen. I will be kidding myself if I believe so. I did not believe in such a theory but anyway, I continue to point out what's wrong. I got my head banged and unwillingly pulled along a few others to suffer with me, for many times in my life. I have no regrets as I can answer to my conscious and sleeps soundly every single night.

Adding on, even if I am, how can I not over react when things happened again and again. Where is the reassurance for me not to over react, if I did? 

I bless those who are still in their own world to be awakened, to see for themselves the outcomes of their act. 


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