Friday 25 July 2014

No, I really can't.

The other day, I was delighted to read a heading of an article that says:

"From a fat tummy to a six pack abs in 8 weeks. If he can do it, so can you!"

Ya, ya, ya... That’s too good to be true, right? But you know, I do have a fat tummy so why not learn something that may help me drop a few more kilos! 

After reading the articles, my dreams got crashed. Went down to nothing, you may say. The writer of the article is a Director cum owner of his own company. He engaged a Director/Owner/famous fitness trainer of a popular gym to assist him with his plan. He ate specifically cooked meals involving mainly proteins like beef with mixtures of vegetables. Each session of workout at the gym was carried out on expensive equipment with the famous personal trainer. He ended his article saying:

"If I can do it, why can't you?"

No, I really can't. I can't leave my workplace and go for gym training every single day.  I can't afford a personal gym trainer, what's more, one that is so popular. I can't pay for the membership to go to the gym. I can't afford to spend the money and the time to cook the special diet required.

"If I can do it, why can't you?"

I can. Provided that there is a level playing field of which resources are also made available to me.

Else, I can't.

It is not that just because I am less well off than the other person that I embark on giving such comment. I simply hope that whenever we say something like this; do think if it is a fair statement. I would rather hear words like this:

"I can afford it. I am sorry, you can't."

A true and honest statement and not one that is sarcastic and fake.

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