Monday 22 April 2013

I became lazier, happily.

There are some changes to bus routes around my area and now, I have services just at my door step. Life just gets better for once... haha.

While taking the bus to work this morning, I was pleasantly surprise with the good customer service offered by the bus captain. He is visibly an Indian but speaks English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Malay and of course his Tamil. In addition to knowing every single bus-stop the bus travels in the above languages, he is also able to cater his answer to the needs of his customer. I heard him telling a auntie carrying a market trolley in Hokkien to board the bus at the opposite bus-stop to get to the market due to the changes to the bus route, telling an old Chinese lady in Cantonese that the bus doesn't go to Chinatown anymore and assuring a Malay lady that the bus will be heading to her desired destination.

So as I said, I just became happily lazy. I am also wondering how many such good drivers are around these day.

Happy and lazy, I am.

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